Hairspray : A Musical You Must See

20-09-24 08:55:59
Hairspray : A Musical You Must See

« Good morning Baltimore »

Last Thursday, we went at Salle Albert-Rousseau to see the musical Hairspray presented by the students of the school Saint-Jean-Eudes. Hairspray is the story of a young girl who dreamed to dance in the Corny Collins Show. The following text will be question of a critique of the show by Saint-Jean-Eudes. The first topic I will talk about is the acting of the characters. I thought the actors were really good. Yes, Charlie Deschamps and Camille Charlesbois were perfectly acting the bitches. Also, Raphael Pépin and Kimberly Toy were really funny and they were really in their character. Finally, the acting of Rose Marceau was good. Yes, she was really good to play the role of a stupid and excited girl.

« Mistakes are proof that you are trying »

The second topic I will talk about is the staging. Generally, it was good. There were some false moves. Yes, sometimes, the microphones were not working. The actors were speaking or singing and we understood nothing. Also, when Link (Arnaud Gravel) was trying to deliver Tracy (Catherine St-Laurent) from the jail, the effect he wanted to do didn’t work.

« Music helps me escape from the reality I live in »

The third topic it will be question is the music. It makes all the difference because it was real musicians and because the music was live played. Also, the music of the flute was very sweet and it was the best saxophone man who was playing. There was a wild variety.

An opportunity to miss school

Finally, the fourth topic I will discuss about is that to see the musical, we had to miss school. I think it was a good idea because we could see what our school is able to do. The musical students worked on that since the beginning of the year and I am really sure that they were happy to show us their hard work.

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