Breaking news : WIFI access in Canada interrupted

13-10-24 08:26:45
Breaking news : WIFI access in Canada interrupted

The internet access to Canadians will be blocled this April due to a collision between two satelites in space. For now, Canadians have access to the Wifi emissions of the United-States temporarely. In fact, it costs in average 1 million dollars per day for the Canadian governement to subsidize this Wifi transmission to Canadian homes. "We will do everything we can to restablish the access to what is today one of the most important infrastructure., said Prime minister Justin Trudeau in an urgent speech. "Unfortunately, we will have to stop the access for a month and maybe more afterwards. It will be available at the universities."
PM Trudeau could not answer our questions, as he seemed very preoccupied by the situation. "This is absurd! We work, watch, read and contact people with this! How will I send money home now?", asked Deepak Khun, a Canadian citizen from Pakistan. "Absurd, totally absurd! No Wifi access in a country like Canada? In the 21th century? How... I don't even know what to say.", responds Lucir Verville from Quebec.
The opposition is already asking questions to PM Trudeau, accusing him of hiding something and not taking Canadian citizen's rights seriously enough. "It is absolutely vital not only for economic purposes and businesses, but also for citizens to knows exactly what is going on. I do hope the PM Trudeau will publish the military report by the end of the day.", responded Andrew Scheer.
Whatever the outcome is, panic is in Canada today. We do not yet know the causes of the collision, but nobody is excluding a possible cyber terrorist attack.
Stay tuned for upcpming udates.