US Goverment about to add Haiti as their second asociated state

20-09-24 04:28:50
US Goverment about to add Haiti as their second asociated state

In a tremendous turn within the Dominican-Haitian problem, the Government of the United States decided to end all the problems between the two countries, declaring, in the most recent session of Congress the immediate annexation of the Haitian State as his second Commonwealth.

The motion was voted by a large majority in Congress, and only the representatives of Texas and New York voted against. From the entry in effect of the above, all Haitian nationals can visit any County of the United States as if it were a country Department (province) of the poor country. In this sense, these will not have to use passports or apply for visas, since they automatically are citizens of the United States.
As this Commonwealth will immediately be under American tutelage, the President has ordered the immediate reconstruction of all buildings, public and private, of the Haitian nation last week.

For the purposes of this measure, the official flag of the Commonwealth will be the American flag, and the former Haitian flag remain as flag of the County, and any text included in this must be in the English language, time in which we need to clarify that the new official language for that territory will be the language of Shakespeare.

At the time of President Martelly make the announcement (now serve as Mayor) all the Haitian people rushed into the streets to celebrate, and dozens of thousands, who had money took flights to different cities in the USA